Brené Brown regularly interviews leaders making an impact in their community on her podcast “Dare to Lead” .  Recently, in an  interview with Liz Wiseman, author of the book, Multipliers.  Liz mentioned there are several characteristics of being an impact player.  

An impact player is present. We have all worked with people who, whether they are there physically or not, don’t show up with energy and passion. Being present means bringing all of ourselves to work. This leads right into the second characteristic, openness. If we show up at work and fully engaged we will be open to the ideas and thoughts of others. We all work better that way.

Impact players are also flexible. They are willing to go with the flow and adjust their preconceived idea of what their day looks like. Impact players are curious, wanting to learn and grow and know what makes things work the way they do. 

Sometimes, we just want to sit back. It takes discipline and commitment to show up at this level, but impact players ask questions and adjust to reality. They take action, not waiting for direction, but wanting to make themselves useful. Finally, impact players make work light for themselves and others. This doesn’t mean it’s easy. It means that work isn’t burdensome and oppressive for these kind of leaders. 

Being present means bringing all of ourselves to work. 

As leaders of impact, we strive to make everyone around us better as well. That takes a certain amount of humility and care for others. It takes a commitment to growth, personally, professionally and spiritually. 

Brené Brown has a seemingly boundless enthusiasm for growth in her own life and the lives of others. You may know Brené Brown from one of her books, one of which is featured in our Kindle Store.  Try one of her books in your small group or LeaderImpact group. Be an impact player!


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