We tend to think of culture is something that just is. We think hat when you get a group of people together, whether in a country or village, family or business, the combined natures and personalities and values of those people result in a culture. But we do have some control. In fact we have way more potential to create culture than we think.

A good first step in being intentional about culture creation is to know what you want your culture to be. How do you want people to feel about working for you, for example? Do you want them to feel relaxed and creative in a more friendly atmosphere, or do you desire a more intense, focused, and energetic environment?

Follow the process you put in place. 

One company I read about had executives who said they wanted to be approachable by their staff. The problem was, they weren’t approachable and everyone knew it. This brings me to another key step: Know what your culture is currently.

Years ago I learned that while my wife and I had different parenting styles, the most important thing was for us to be consistent and on the same page when it came to dealing with our two daughters. It’s much the same in a company. Another key to creating and sustaining a desirable culture is to do what you say you will do. If you say one thing and do another, people will be insecure and confused about who you are. A key example of this is to follow the processes you put in place. To go through a process for making a decision and then make a decision that clearly is outside of the process or ignores the process is damaging to your culture of trust.

You can create a culture. The amount of effort and time it takes are dependent on the size of your endeavor. But in every case, intentionality, consistency, and authenticity are key.



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