I remember waking up in the middle of the night with three words circling in my mind - Passion, Vision, Action! That was several years ago, but ever since they have become like guideposts for my life. Whenever I am seeking direction, thinking about something new, considering an opportunity or even just feeling stuck, I go back to these words.
Passion speaks to our true inner motivation. It’s our driving force. Our reason for being. What gets us going each day. What is at our core.
US footballer and decorated Army hero, Pat Tilman said -“Passion is what makes life interesting, what ignites our soul, fuels our love and carries our friendships, stimulates our intellect, and pushes our limits”.
And so I wonder - what makes your life interesting? Ignites your soul? Fuels your love? Carries your friendships? Stimulates your intellect? Pushes your limits?
Passion speaks to our true inner motivation. It’s our driving force. Our reason for being.
Understanding and growing our core passion and what motivates us is the starting point of everything else.
Vision is about seeing the way forward. Its like shining a light down the path, so we can see more clearly ahead.
Hellen Keller, well known author, activist and speaker who was blind said “The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but not vision”.
We all need vision, hope for the future, the ability to see a little further down the road. Vision is not just about passively waiting for the way to be clear - vision is also the skill of creating your next steps, designing the path, solving the problems along the way and seeing the potential future.
Action is about getting started. Passion and vision on their own are just a dream, a hope, or a wish. To actually move forward and accomplish anything, we need to get started. As Steve Jobs,founder of Apple said “It’s not done until it ships.” That means action. And often, taking action also means having courage.
Do you have a measure of courage to grow your passion, develop your vision, and put it into action? Can you relate to this in your own journey?